Leadership Insights for September 11, 2024

Curated insights and resources for senior leaders to navigate today’s ever-evolving and always-exciting business landscape.

Must-Read LinkedIn Post

This week’s top post is by Colby Kultegen. We like it because it reminds us all that success is never as easy as it looks on social media. In fact, it’s a numbers game, and the only way to win is to continue to show up. Valuable post.

See full post here

Tweet of the Week

Top Tweet: The 5s Method

Our favorite tweet is by Scholarship for Phd. We all need to take some time to declutter and de-stress at work and at home. As we are entering the time when the trees are letting go of the leaves that no longer serve them, we think it’s a perfect time for you to do the same!

You can see the post here

Must-Read Article:

The Seven Decisions That Matter in a Digital Transformation: A CEO’s Guide to Reinvention

This article is from 2017 but still highly relevant, so we chose it because we think it’s worth reading. Hint..from our perspective, decision number 3 is the most important!!

Read the full article here: McKinsey & Company

Book Recommendation:

The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth by Amy C. Edmondson

In “The Fearless Organization,” Amy Edmondson explores the concept of psychological safety—a crucial ingredient for fostering an environment where employees feel safe taking risks, expressing their ideas, and learning from mistakes. This book offers actionable insights for leaders aiming to build a culture of open communication and continuous improvement, which is essential for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market.

Find the book here: Amazon

From the Archives:

Bristol Myers Squibb’s Wendy Short Bartie: 5 Ways Empathy Will Affect Your Leadership by Cynthia Corsetti

This thought-provoking interview with Wendy Short Bartie, featured in Authority Magazine, provides a deep dive into the importance of empathy in leadership. Bartie’s insights on how empathetic leadership can transform organizational culture, drive team cohesion, and foster a more inclusive workplace make this a must-read for leaders looking to enhance their impact through the power of empathy.

Read it on Medium: Cynthia Corsetti’s Medium

Closing Thoughts: LAST CALL — Don’t miss our upcoming workshop, “When Meetings Turn into Nightmares,” held virtually on September 25 from 1 – 4 pm Eastern. There are only a few spots left, so register soon! Additionally, stay tuned for our upcoming workshops on “Difficult Conversations” and “Decision Deadlock.*” Make sure to get on the list to be notified when registration opens.

Thank you for joining us on the journey of continuous leadership improvement. We hope these insights inspire you to lead with clarity, authenticity, responsibility, and engagement! Stay tuned for next week’s edition, packed with more valuable content to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of leadership.

Whenever you’re ready, here are some ways we can help you!

One on One: Executive Mastery Coaching

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