Leadership Insights for October 2, 2024

We scroll so you don’t have to. We dive deep to save you time. And, we pull together the most relevant leadership tweets, posts, articles, and insights for your week. Welcome to CARE to Lead® – let’s get into this week’s insights.

Top Leadership LinkedIn Post

The Current State of AI in Business
This week, we went with a post reminding us that AI doesn’t automatically make a noncreative person become creative. The post reminded me of a quote someone shared with me this week: ” Don’t worry about AI taking your job; worry about people who learn to use AI taking your job.” That’s paraphrased, but you get the idea!

Check out the Post Here

This Week’s Best Podcast

No Bullsh!t Leadership with Martin G. Moore
Today, we are sharing episode #316, The Secret to Aligning Talent With High-Impact Work, with Patrick Lencioni. We use a lot of Patrick’s books and ideas in our work with leaders, and this podcast touches on a few items we feel are valuable, including how to reorganize your team’s work so that everyone operates in a way that brings the organization the most value. It’s a timely episode that we think you will enjoy!


Must-Read Article

Diverse Teams Thrive with Four Elements of Belonging – Ludimila N. Praslova MITSLoan
This article is so well done! We all have unique challenges, and as leaders, it’s too easy to forget that neurodiversity is an important consideration. We chose this article because it reminds us of things we might otherwise overlook!

Read the full article here: MIT Sloan Management Review

Book Recommendation:

How to Stop Overthinking: The 7-Step Plan to Control and Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively in 5 Minutes or Less by Chase Hill, Scott Sharp
I know that as soon as this newsletter gets published, my clients will message me saying, “Did you select that book for me?” And I will answer with a resounding YES! We all overthink, and executives are no different. We love this book, and we hope you will, too!

Find the book here: Amazon

From the Archives:

“Balancing the Board: Anastasia Dobrovolskaia of FINOM On How To Get More Women On Your Board And Why It’s Important” by Cynthia Corsetti
This insightful interview with Anastasia Dobrovolskaia, featured in Authority Magazine, delves into the importance of gender diversity on corporate boards. We explore Dobrovolskaia’s strategies for achieving a balanced board and why it’s crucial for effective leadership and governance. It is a compelling read for leaders dedicated to promoting equity and inclusion at the highest levels!

Read it on Medium: Cynthia Corsetti’s Interview with Anastasia Dobrovolskaia

Closing Thoughts:

Just a brief reminder for our upcoming workshops on “Difficult Conversations” and “Decision Deadlock.” Make sure to get on the list to be notified when registration opens.

Thank you for joining us on the journey of continuous leadership improvement. We hope these insights inspire you to lead with clarity, authenticity, responsibility, and engagement! Stay tuned for next week’s edition, packed with more valuable content to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of leadership.

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