Let’s take leadership development off your plate

(so you don’t have to miss a beat)

We know, we know.

You’ve watched a million leadership workshops. You feel like you’re being clear about how you want your organization to function. And you’re busy. (We get it! SO BUSY.)

But you also need to develop better bench-building, secure a system for knowledge transfer, succession-planning and approx. 30+ other things in your organization in real time.

We’re here to deliver the solutions you need, so you can see results fast.

This is where we create seamless collaboration across teams, build a deep leadership bench, and increase talent retention in your company.

(Without you having to hire a ton of new people, start from scratch, or make doing this your full-time job…)

Sit back. You’re in safe hands.


CARE to Lead® for Organizations

The hands-on, results-oriented approach to leadership development that you’ve been waiting for

If you’d love to have more leaders in your company who can:


Actually do their job


Communicate productively with their downline


Disseminate information correctly


Effectively transfer knowledge


Keep teams engaged


Build retention throughout the company


Work cross-functionally


Navigate (and not escalate!) conflict

We’re here to make that happen.

Plus, we’re also experts in getting you there in a way that’s…


Immediately applicable and easy to implement


Relevant to your day-to-day

Not going to waste your time

Not going to give you added work


Peer-supported (for consistency and development)


Proven to create long-term transformation

The CARE to Lead system consistently results in long-lasting, transformative organizational change.

(Even if you’ve received help with leadership development in the past, it’s unlikely to have gotten you results like this…)

Just hear what our clients have to say…

If other CEOs were looking at CARE to Lead® for their own organization, I would absolutely promote it and say you need to do this. But take it one step further. Don’t, don’t just do it for yourself as a leader, but take it to the next level of leaders in your organization. Because everybody going through this journey at the same time is really important. It really creates that team approach and the engagement with everybody. A leader can absolutely do the leadership program. By bringing the other leaders in the organization along with them. Everybody’s in it together.

Jay Solomond

PRI Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Since we started working with Cynthia as a group, I have noticed significant changes.  I would say, prior to working with Cynthia, there were occasions where there would be one or two dominant voices in the group, and it could sometimes be a case of whoever shouts loudest gets their own way. But now, I think we do have a much more streamlined process, a greater appreciation for the fact that  are there are different perspectives and different experiences within the group that can all contribute to an end decision or output. That’s beneficial for everybody.

Joanna Kennedy

Director of Marketing & Communications, PRI

Here’s exactly how it works:

The CARE to Lead system gets exceptional results precisely because we custom-design each program we run based on the specific organization’s needs and goals.

That said, in every project we do, we always focus on four key areas as they relate to individuals, teams, and the company at large.

When you work with us, you can expect major breakthroughs in the following 4 areas:


Most organizations struggle with clarity in all forms of communication: listening, writing, meetings, emails, body language, non-verbal cues, and presentations.

Clarity can also be absent in decision-making processes and in the dissemination of information – both vertically and horizontally – throughout the organization.

Our work will change that by giving your organization simple systems and protocols that you can put into action immediately (individually and with teams), in order to eliminate the missteps that can often result in lost clients, lost revenue, and high employee turnover.

You’ll experience more open and honest communications within teams, fewer and more productive meetings, breaking down of silos, and the confidence of knowing that information is flowing effectively within and across functional teams.


Let’s be real: individuals are often afraid to communicate honestly with co-workers, give negative feedback to down reports, lean into difficult conversations, or speak truth to power.

This can result in a lack of psychological safety and a culture of fear, where employees don’t feel satisfied in their jobs and encounter toxicity in the work environment.

We remedy this by training the people in your organization to be more aware of their own cognitive biases, so they can build more self-awareness and increase their emotional intelligence.

This results in better collaboration, increased and ongoing trust in their peers and the senior leadership, and reduced office politics that can detract from productivity and effectiveness.


This is where the finger-pointing stops! We get each leader to take responsibility for what they can control and turn their focus away from what they can’t.

This is important because if individuals continue to ruminate or complain about things that are out of their control, it can lead to a downward spiral and groupthink that can delay or even halt key organizational objectives.

Too often – simply based on human nature – people fall into a victim mentality, giving away 100% of their personal power.

Our work with them will give them the skills they need to regain their power, to keep moving themselves, their team, and their organization forward, and approach problems with innovation and creativity.


Too many organizations lose great talent or struggle with skills gaps because they don’t invest in developing their downline and teaching their leaders to transfer knowledge.

In today’s highly competitive labor market, your company can’t afford a brain drain or to have expertise that’s taken years to develop in your organization pick up and walk out the door.

We give your leaders the skills they need to mentor and coach their subordinates (and, know when to do which…) in order to effectively continue organizational growth and build retention.

We also create lasting changes in leaders’ and employees’ perspectives and day-to-day actions, so they can move forward the organizational mission and vision.

What could a custom CARE to Lead program for my organization look like?

Custom corporate packages can include:

  • One-on-one coaching
  • Group coaching sessions through stable, ongoing cohorts
  • Off-site retreat sessions for the whole team (which brings all cohorts together for in-person live sessions)
  • Online library of resources (video and content)
  • Live office hours
  • Ongoing voxer & video text support
  • Private podcast audio trainings
  • Strategic planning sessions

Book a call with us to discuss your organization’s needs and goals further.

Who We Are

Cynthia Corsetti

In over 20 years of implementing my own unique corporate success strategies, I’ve helped hundreds of high achievers to navigate corporate politics, build influence in their organizations, and leverage their positions for growth across the playing field.

The true value of what I do lies in relationships, so here’s a little bit about me: I’m an “off the charts” ENFP. For those unfamiliar with the infamous Myers-Briggs instrument, this means I get my energy from other people. And I have a gut instinct that never misses.

You might consider me a bit of an activist. Even in business, all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I champion social justice and will go to the mat in its defense. If you’re wondering why you should put your faith in me, good. You should! After all, I’m asking for your unwavering trust. Here’s a mini-resume.

  • Corporate Leadership Roles for Over 20 Years
  • Coaching Executives for the Past 13 Years
  • Over 3500 Hours of Executive Coaching
  • Unique & Effective Approach Proven to Get Clients Results
  • Bachelor of Science in Education
  • Master of Science in Organizational Leadership
  • Senior Professional in Human Resources, SHRM-SCP
  • Certified Myers Briggs Facilitator
  • Certified NLP Master Practitioner
  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
  • Certified Executive Coach

Jacqueline Fix

Jacqueline is an educator of over 17 years. She has worked as a leadership coach and consultant, a graduate professor, a school leader, and has supported the oversight of thirteen schools with the assistant superintendent in San Francisco Unified School District.

Jacqueline is passionate about adult learning and creating spaces where leaders uncover their potential through collaboration, reflection and deep listening.

Jacqueline brings particular focus and attention to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through her coaching and facilitation and has been trained by the National Equity Project. She holds a BA from the University of Pittsburgh in Writing and Communication, a graduate degree from the University of San Francisco in International and Multicultural Education and has several certificates in teaching and school administration.

The CARE to Lead System is uniquely effective, because it…

  • Builds the capacity of individuals, as well as strengthening the organization as a whole
  • Can be adapted to any industry or organization (there is nothing cookie-cutter about it)
  • Synthesizes, applies, and disseminates the latest leadership development research for immediate application by your company
  • Creates support groups and knowledge transfer, and builds the bench within the organization
  • Utilizes the most up-to-date peer group methods to create impactful and highly functional teams.
  • Is an exact roadmap for your leaders to use. This is not a lecture course, nor is it a check-list of to-dos. CARE to Lead® curated protocols and structures allows your team(s) of leaders to be at the center of the learning.
Cynthia Corsetti, leader of Care to Lead for Organizations

Decades of experience +
custom strategies with proven results =

An organization that is a magnet for top talent that will outperform the competition every single time.

I think in the past as a leader, I was work just leading on my instincts, whereas Cynthia’s program provided  tools that helped me understand how I could take manageable steps to improve the leadership of my team….Participating in the program is has affected the way we work together as a team. The program gives tools to break down those those barriers with people and make them more comfortable. And as a leader, I can draw out opinions and thoughts from the complete team. And I think that kind of collaboration is generated better solutions.

Jay Solomond

VP of Operations, PRI

I do like that balance of having that time with her on your own. And then  we have the group sessions. We’re a team for each other, you know, kind of picking up on the fact that we’re not only interacting day by day, but we can bring our expertise and our support for each other into that conversation and help each other……I’ve definitely learned a lot about kind of strategic thinking versus transactional activity. And I think it just creates a safe space for people to develop as leaders, I would say you know, your company’s invested into that program for you. So,  taking advantage of it, certainly someone that’s been given the opportunity to do it. I think he sees it with both hands and you take from it everything that you can. I think it’s it’s a very beneficial thing to do.

Joanna Kennedy
VP of Professional Development, PRI


How long does the engagement last?
This is up to you. We can do six, twelve or eighteen month engagements as we work with you to customize a plan for your organization. We recommend starting with a twelve month engagement.
We have specific needs we need to address within our organization. Will you address our specific dilemmas?
Absolutely. Not only will we hear from your leadership team on the challenges you face, we incorporate and facilitate ongoing protocols that allow your teams to work through, solve and transform their own dilemmas. Essentially, you and your team will always be working on challenges that you are facing day-to-day. We ensure CARE to Lead is relevant and applicable in each session.
Can we start small with one or two teams before we launch throughout the organization?
You bet. We can work with a small cohort or two to launch the transformational leadership work. As the year progresses, we can add more cohorts. However, once a cohort is established, individuals cannot be added. We intentionally build trust within each cohort and find that adding individuals mid-cycle isn’t ideal (both for the individual and the cohort).
We have an internal HR department that holds some of our leadership development. Won’t this just be duplicating the work?
Definitely not. However, the work we do will absolutely be complementary to anything that is already happening. The depth of skills, knowledge and mindsets CARE to Lead develops as well as the trust within the cohort is not something HR departments typically have the time to create, facilitate, coach and deliver. They too have an extensive job description! Our work is expansive and will only support and deepen any initiatives already underway.
I’m not sure if this is a 100% perfect fit for my organization. Can I talk things through with someone?
Absolutely. We would love to hear from you and your team to understand the current state of leadership development at your organization. Schedule a call with us so we can dive into your needs and for you to explore the scope of our work together. Let’s talk. [Our goal is to help you achieve your goals, your strategy, and your vision. So it all begins with you.

Here’s what we believe:

Leadership is a full-time job. All leaders want to do a good job and we believe they have the talent to do so. But, they also have an added responsibility of developing the next generation of leaders. We believe that a well developed leadership bench is one of the most important aspects of organizational development. We want to help you get there.