Is it just me… or is everyone finally accepting the fact that normal will never be the same again. Even after this pandemic is completely over, our world will remain a different place. And that causes a little reflection in all of us, whether we’re...
If you’re a parent, I know you’ve experienced a kid with attitude. And I can bet you’ve asked a kid to change a bad attitude. It’s that stubborn determination to have autonomy. When you consider that a teenager is testing the waters on...
“I know it’s a bad time to quit a job. It’s a good job. It pays well and, at the moment, I don’t have a Plan B. But, the fact is, I can’t take this toxic work environment for another day.” That was the conversation I had recently with my client...
We’ve all been there, right? We go to work minding our own business and suddenly that chronic complainer is in front of us again. On and on and on, telling you how terrible his life and job are. You want to walk away, but you feel rude… so you listen. And that’s...
Do you know your personal value proposition? If you’re a professional, you should. Not to sound ‘preachy’ but I’m going to even take this one step further. You not only SHOULD, you MUST. To put it in simple terms, you’re crafting...
5 Tips To Start Right Now! Every time I say to myself, ‘it’s time to stop procrastinating’, my next thought is… soon. I’ll do it soon. I’ve always been a bit of a procrastinator. I’m often challenged with how to stop procrastinating at...